This Week in Trading.
The bounce in the markets we expected last week arrived. We closed out the short positions we established on 04 April, 2022. We closed SQQQ for a gain of +68%, TZA +45%, and SPXS +38%. We noted that we were about to pass through a significant storm in the markets at the beginning of April, and we were rigging for stormy weather. The global markets have been beaten and battered for several weeks, with significant losses occurring in most markets.
We believe the bounce will offer temporary relief. We are in the eye of the storm, calm blue skies overhead. However, we will have to pass through the other eye-wall of the storm soon enough.
The Impartial Lens portfolios have all managed to withstand the turmoil in the markets. All three have managed to stay positive YTD and are streaming dividends.
We will use the bounce to readjust our portfolios.

All the financial and geopolitical sins of the past 30 years seem to be converging on the present.
Mother nature herself couldn’t have devised such a perfect storm.
Rig accordingly…
Global Markets V The Impartial Lens

Model Portfolio

The information contained here is for educational purposes only. Do not use this information as personal financial advice.
Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash