Brain Frog

“More recently, the West began using technology to flatten the very physical evidence of natural cycles. With artificial light, we believe we defeat the sleep-wake cycle; with climate control, the seasonal cycle; with refrigeration, the agricultural cycle; and with high-tech medicine, the rest-recovery cycle.” ― William Strauss, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy “Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” ― William Strauss, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” ― Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Brain Frog

Most of the mass hysteria that both sides of the various divides are going through at the moment is a symptom of the last few years of overstimulation. We call this Brain Frog. Not to be confused with Brain Fog, which is bodily inflammation brought on by chronic stress, poor diet, Long Covid, vaccines, obesity, and so on. Brain Frog refers to the madness, so many around us seem to be going through lately. The symptoms include stress, anger, depression, disorientation, and confusion due to propaganda. It has no cure, unfortunately, and will just disappear one person at a time.

What Happened To My Brain?

According to the dictionary, the definition of the word ‘Psyche’ is; the human soul, mind, or spirit. What are the implications of Covid hysteria and lockdowns for the human psyche and society as a whole? The human psyche, along with society and the economy, has been damaged. How badly? We will find out the hard way. We’ve had needless suffering, rising levels of depression, fear, anxiety, and stress. The average Joe has been absorbing a copious amount of fear porn, beamed into his living room by media who have latched onto Covid hysteria since day one. If it bleeds, it leads, and fear sells newspapers and advertisements. Here is some helpful information for strengthening our brains in these trying times:

Government Policy

Why do we allow big pharma to dictate government policy? They messed with food in the ’70s. Now we have a health crisis of biblical proportions with the resulting obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, etc. General Practitioners have been prescribing pills for our ills over the past few decades. Now big pharma has vast swathes of people addicted to legal narcotics. It is driving them insane and into the poor house. Just look around you; many are overweight, sick, addicted, depressed, and stressed out. Now we are putting our faith in the same people who have caused these problems to cure us of Covid. These companies are here to make money, and they do not care about you.

Nixon Shocks

There have been two significant strikes against big pharma in the last fifty years, affecting many worldwide. Strike 1: 1970’s. The same politician who killed money by abandoning the Gold Standard abandoned common sense and killed food. The pharmaceutical industry encouraged cheap sugars and refined carbs to enter our diets on an enormous scale. The consequence of this is we now have a health crisis of biblical proportions. 70% of the U.S. population has at least one chronic disease. All brought on by the pharmaceutical industry bastardizing food. Strike 2: 1990’s. They allowed pharmaceutical versions of heroin a la “Oxycontin” to enter society on an enormous scale. Fifty-three million people, or 20%, of the U.S. adult population, used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. Throw in alcohol and tobacco, and it shoots up to 165 million or 60% of people over 12 years of age.

A Conflict Of Interest?

If the Covid response is the third strike, could we face an even bigger health crisis in the next fifty years? Or perhaps sooner, because now they want to begin testing and ‘treating’ our kids. Should we allow our children to become part of this experiment? The problem in the U.S. is that everyone must have health insurance for health care. Except it is not health care at all, it is pharma care. ‘Hello doc, I am stressed out of my mind because of life, the pandemic, pressure, the media, my job, the kids, the damn Russians, and don’t get me started on the Chinese. What do I do? I hear you, buddy; just take two of these and go knock yourself out. NEXT’ They rant on the TV, ‘it’s the science, science, science.’ Do we ask who is supplying the science? Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson. No conflicts of interest there. But you say they are taking a considerable risk and spending a fortune on developing these drugs. Not really, as it is the people who are fronting the costs. Well, at least if the drug companies miscalculated and people suffer side effects, we can sue them, right? Wrong. You indemnified them against that possibility. What was the first thought that went through the head of the executives of Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson when Covid popped up? ‘Ching ching.’

A Punch In The Mouth

“Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson When everybody gets a good dose of reality, it dawns on them that the cure was much worse than the disease. When people figure out that governments have gone broke, they cannot provide further stimulus or make good on pension promises and welfare obligations. When cost-push inflation begins to eat people alive, and their kids start to go hungry, the narrative will shift, Covid and vaccines will be the last thing on their minds. As geopolitical tensions become unbearable between east and west, and the Russians or the Chinese smack one of the western countries in the mouth, Covid and vaccines will no longer be an issue. Societies will become unglued, and chaos will ensue. Monetary and fiscal inflation will no longer be possible because the currencies will implode. We see all of this as a prequel to war. Are the powers that be getting us ready for it? Real lockdowns, real sacrifice, actual rationing, where millions will suffer. But, all of this will pass eventually, and a new era will be upon us. We suggest getting ready for that. In part 2, we will discuss the financial implications for our investment portfolios.